
  • 日期:2023-10-12
  • 22481








    1980.9 – 1984.7 在北京大学化学系学习, 1984年7月获化学专业理学学士学位; 

    1984.9 – 1987.7 在北京大学技术物理系学习, 1987年7月获环境化学专业理学硕士学位; 

    1999.9 – 2003.6 作为在职博士生在中国科学院研究生院攻读博士学位, 2003年8月获化学专业理学博士学位。 


    1987.7 – 1998.1 在中国地质大学(北京)化学教研室工作;

    1998.2 – 现在   在中国科学院大学化学与化学工程学院工作;

    2008.9 – 2009.3 美国斯坦福大学化学系 高级访问学者。


    (1) Electronic states of the C6H5CN+ ion studied using multiconfiguration wave functions, Hua Dong, Bo-Zhen Chen*, Ming-Bao Huang, Shu-Yuan Yu, Molecular Physics, 2010, 108, 1991 – 1997. 

    (2) Qingli Zhang, Bozhen Chen *,Theoretical studies of the effects of substituents on the ring opening reactions for the cyclopropylcarbinyl radical,Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 2010, 941, 10–21. 

    (3)Qingli Zhang, Zengxi Li, Bozhen Chen*, Theoretical study of intramolecular anion radical cycloaddition of the phenyl-substituted bis(enone), Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 2009, 901, 202–209. 

    (4)Hai-Bo Chang, Bo-Zhen Chen*, and Ming-Bao Huang, Low-Lying Electronic States and Cl-Loss Photodissociation of the C2H3Cl+ Ion Studied Using Multiconfiguration Second-Order Perturbation Theory, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2008, 11 2, 1688-1693. 

    (5)Hua Li, Bozhen Chen*, Mingbao Huang*, CASPT2 Investigation of Ethane Dissociation and Methyl Recombination Using Canonical Variational Transition State Theory, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 2008, 40, 161-173. 

    (6)Haibo Chang, , Bozhen Chen*, Yujian, He A Theoretical Study for the Highly Charged Cations of C2H2 with and without External Electric Fields, ACTA CHIMICA SINICA, 2008, 66, 308-314. 

    (7)Bozhen Chen*,Haibo Chang,and Mingbao Huang, Dissociation of the OCS+ ion in low-lying electronic states studied using multiconfiguration second-order perturbation theory, J. Chem. Phys. 125, 2006, 54310 (9 pages). 

    (8)Bozhen Chen*, M.-B. Huang, Low-lying electronic states of the OCS+ ion studied using multiconfiguration second-order perturbation theory, Chem. Phys. Lett. 2005, 416, 107-112. 

    (9)Hongwei Xi, Mingbao Huang, and Bozhen Chen, Cl-Loss and H-Loss Dissociations in Low-Lying Electronic States of the CH3Cl+ Ion Studied Using Multiconfiguration Second-Order Perturbation Theory, J. Phys. Chem.A, 2005, 109, 4381- 4387. 

    (10)Hongwei Xi, Mingbao Huang, and Bozhen Chen, F-loss and H-loss Dissociations in Low - Lying Electronic States of the CH3F+ Ion Studied Using Multiconfiguration Second-Order Perturbation Theory, J. Phys. Chem. A,2005,109, 9149-9155. 

    (11) Bozhen Chen, Mingbao Huang, The Reaction of F with N3 Studie Using Multiconfiguration Wave Functions, Chem. Phys. Lett., 2004, 385, 127-133. 

    (12)Bozhen Chen, Mingbao Huang, Dissociation of Reactions of the vinyl radical in the A2A? State, Chem. Phys, 2004, 300, 325-334. 

    (13)Bozhen Chen, M.-B. Huang, The X + HN3 → HX + N3 and X + HN3 → HNX + N2 reactions ( X = F and Cl ): a density functional study, Journal of Molecular Structure(Theochem), 2004, 711, 107-114 

    (14) Wenzuo Li, Mingbao Huang, Bozhen Chen, The 12A1, 12B2, and 12A2 States of the SO2+ Ion Studied Using Multiconfiguration Second-order Perturbation Theory, J. Chem. Phys., 2004,120, 4677- 4682. 

    (15)Bozhen Chen, Mingbao Huang, The Reaction of Cl with N3: a CAS study, Chem. Phys. Lett., 2003, 373, 124-130. 

    (16)Bozhen Chen, J. M. Anglada, Mingbao Huang, and F. Kong, The Reaction of CH2 (X3B1) with O2 (X3?-g): A Theoretical CASSCF/CASPT2 Investigation, J. Phys. Chem. A,2002, 106,1877-1884. 

    (17)M.-B. Huang and Bozhen Chen, Theoretical Study of CH + O2 Reactions, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2002, 106, 5490-5497. 

    (18)Hongmei Su, Fanao Kong, Bozhen Chen, M.-B. Huang, and Y. Liu, Reaction Dynamics of Electronically State-Specific CH2 with NO, J. Chem. Phys. 2002,113, 1885-1890. 

    (19)Bozhen Chen and Mingbao Huang, " The CH3OH + Cl Hydrogen Abstraction Reactions: An ab initio Study ", Chin. Chem. Letters, 2001,12(8),727-730.