
  • 日期:2023-10-12
  • 21962










    1994.07--1998.06  中国科学技术大学  理学学士学位

    1998.07--2002.06  中国科学技术大学  理学博士学位

    2003.07--2004.08  香港中文大学统计学系  博士后 

    2007.01--2008.08  美国Vanderbilt大学  医学中心医学与公众健康研究所和生物统计系 


    2010.06 至 今   中国科学院大学 教授 

    2005.06--2010.06 中国科学院大学 副教授 

    2002.07--2005.06 中国科学院大学 讲师 


    1. Zhang, S. & Chen, X. Consistency of modified MLE in EV model with replicated observations. Science in China (Series A), 304-310,2001.

    2.Zhang, S. & Chen, X. Estimation in the polynomial errors-in-variables model. Science in China (Series A), 1-8, 2002.

    3.Zhang, S. & Chen, X. Asymptotic normality of parameters estimation in EV model with replicated observations. Acta Mathematica Scientia (Series B), 107-114, 2002.

    4. Zhang, S. & Chen, X. On asymptotic normality of parameters in linear EV model. Chinese Annals of Mathematics (Series B), 495-506, 2002.

    5.Liu, J. Zhang, S. & Chen, X. Linear EV model with replicable observed independent variables, Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 752-769, 2006.

    6.Zhang, S. & Liao, Y. On some problems of weak consistency of quasi-maximum likelihood estimates in generalized linear models, Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 1287-1296, 2008.

    7.Yu, C., Zhang, S., Zhou, C. & Sile, S. A likelihood test of population Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium for case-control studies. Genetic Epidemiology, 275-280, 2009.

    8.Ning, W., Zhang, S. & Yu, C. A Moment-based Test for the Homogeneity in Natural Exponential Family with Quadratic Variance Functions, Statistics and Probability Letters, 828-834, 2009.

    9.Ning, W., Gupta, A., K., Yu, C. & Zhang, S., A moment-based test for homogeneity in finite mixture models, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 1371-1382, 2009. 

    10. Huang, F., Jiang, Z., Zhang, S. & Gao, S. Reliability evaluation of wireless sensor networks using logistic regression, International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing, IEEE Computer Society, 334-338, 2010.

    11.Wang, S., Zhang, S. & Xue, H. Sieve least squares estimator for partial linear models with current status data, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 335-346, 2011.

    12.Jiang, J., Zhang, S., Guo, T. Russo’s formula, uniqueness of the infinite cluster, and continuous differentiability of free energy for continuum percolation, Journal of  Applied Probability,  597-610, 2011. 

    13.Zhang, S., Liao, Y. & Ning, W. Asymptotic properties of quasi-Maximum likelihood estimates in generalized linear models, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 4417-4430, 2011.

    14.Liu,J. Chang,N. Zhang,S. & Lei,Z. Recognizing and characterizing dynamics of cellular devices in cellular data network through massive data analysis,International Journal of Communication Systems,28:1884–1897, 2015.

    15.Wu,X. Zhang,Q. & Zhang, S. Detecting difference between coeficients in linear model using jackknife empirical likelihood,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity,29:542-556, 2016.

    16.Zhang, Q., Zhang, S. Liu, J. Huang, J. & Ma, S. Panelized integrative analysis under the accelerated failure time model, Statistica Sinica, 26:493-508, 2016.

    17.Wu,X. Zhang,S. Zhang, Q. & Ma,S. Detecting change point in linear regression using jackknife empirical likelihood,Statistics and its interface,9: 113–122, 2016.

    18.Zang, Y. Zhang, S.  Li, Q. Zhang, Q. Jackknife empirical likelihood test for high-dimensional regression coefficients, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 94:302–316, 2016.

    19.Hu, X., Zhang W, Zhang S, Ma S, & Li. Q. Group-combined p-values with applications to genetic association studies. Bioinformatics, 32, 2737–2743, 2016.

    20.Zang, Y., Zhao, Y., Zhang, Q., Cai, H., Zhang, S. & Ma, S. Identifying Gene-Environment Interactions with a Least Relative Error Approach, Statistical Applications from Clinical Trials and Personalized Medicine to Finance and Business Analytics: Selected Papers from the 2015 ICSA/Graybill Applied Statistics Symposium, Colorado State University, Fort Collins[M]. Springer, 305-321, 2016.

    21.Zang, Y. Zhang, Q., Zhang, S.  Li, Q. & Ma, S. Empirical likelihood test for high dimensional generalized linear models. Invited book chapter. Big and Complex Data Analysis: Statistical Methodologies and Applications, Springer, 29-50, 2017. 

    22.Wang, G., Zhang, Q., Zang, Y., Zhang, S. & Ma, S. Identifying gene-environment interactions associated with prognosis using penalized robust regression. Invited book chapter. Big and Complex Data Analysis: Statistical Methodologies and Applications, Springer. 347-367, 2017. 

    23.Hu, X., Duan, X., Pan, D., Zhang, S., & Li, Q. A Model-embedded Trend Test with Incorporating Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Information. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 101-110, 2017.

    24.Huang, Y., Zhang, Q., Zhang, S., Huang, J. & Ma, S. Promoting similarity of sparsity structures in intergrative analysis with penalization. Journal of American Statistical Association,  342-350, 2017.

    25.Wu,X. Zhang,S. & Zhang,Q. A note on the two sample mean problem based on jackknife empirical likelihood,Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods,accepted. 

    26.Wu,X. Zhang,S. & Ning,W. Empirical likelihood ratio based test for change point detection in linear regression model,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series,accepted. 

    27.Zang, Y., Zhao, Q., Zhang, Q., Li, Y., Zhang,S. & Ma, S. Inferring gene regulatory relations using high-dimensional robust estimation. Genetic Epidemiology, accepted. 

    28.Wu, M.,Zang, Y., Zhang,S., Huang, J. & Ma, S. Accommodating missingness in environmental measurements in gene-environment interaction analysis. Genetic Epidemiology, accepted. 

    29.Wang, G., Zhang,S., & Dai, P. A Robust image denoising algorithm based on Exponential squared loss and SELO penalty,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series,accepted.


    1.Jia, Y., Sun, J., Fan, L., Song, D., Tian, S., Yang, Y., Jia, M., Lu, L., Sun, X. Zhang, S., Kulczycki, A. & Vermund, H. S. Estimates of HIV prevalence in a highly endemic area of China: Dehong Prefecture,Yunnan Province, International Journal of Epidemiology, 1287-1296, 2008.

    2.Zhang, B., Halder, K. S., Zhang, S. & Datta, K. P. Targeting transforming growth factor-beta signaling in liver metastasis of colon cancer. Cancer letters, 114-120, 2009.

    3. Wang, G., Zhang, S., Joggerst, S. J., McPherson, J. & Zhao, X. D. Effects of the number and interval of balloon inflations during primary PCI on the extent of myocardial injury in patients with STEMI: Does postconditioning exist in real-world practice?  Journal of Invasive Cardiology, 451-455, 2009.

    4.Shi, Y. Li, T. Wang, Y. Gao, Q. Zhang, S. & Li, H. Optical image encryption via ptychography, Optics Letters, 1425-1427, 2013.