
  • 日期:2023-10-12
  • 22551






    2000.09--2003.06   中国科学院化学研究所            博士生/理学博士

    1994.09--1997.06   太原工业大学                    硕士生/工学硕士

    1985.09--1989.07   太原工业大学(现太原理工大学)  本科生/工学学士


    2010.01--现在,   中国科学院大学            副教授、教授

    2007.06--2008.05 Greifswald大学(德国)    高级研究学者

    2003.07--2010.01 中国科学院化学研究所      助理研究员、副研究员

    1997.07--2000.08 太原理工大学              教师

    1989.07--1994.08  大同树脂厂               技术员


    1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(主持,51373176),“二亚胺镍配合物催化乙烯聚合制备高性能线性低密度聚乙烯”,2014.1-2017.12

    2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(主持,20774100),“介孔分子筛限域空间内乙烯原位共聚反应研究”,2008.1-2010.12 

    3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(主持,50573081),“长链支化聚丙烯的设计与合成”,2006.1-2008.12 

    4. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(主持),“介孔分子筛受限空间内乙烯齐聚反应”,2009.7-2011.6 

    5. 中国石油天然气股份有限公司科学研究与技术开发项目(主持,W050509-01-03),“聚合反应方法制备聚烯烃/分子筛复合材料的技术研究”,2005.1-2006.12 

    6. 中国科学院化学研究所技术开发项目(主持),“乙烯共聚催化剂的制备与应用”,2010.7-2011.6 

    7. 中国科学院化学研究所技术开发项目(主持),“聚乙烯/无机微纳颗粒复合材料的制备”,2013.1-2014.12

    8. 中国科学院研究生院院长基金(主持),“后过渡金属配合物催化的乙烯/降冰片烯共聚反应”,2010.5-2012.4 

    9. 国家重点基础研究发展规划(参加,G2003CB615605),“高分子多相多组分体系的结构设计与化学合成”,2003.10-2008.9 

    10. 国家高技术研究发展计划(参加,2002AA333050),“原位共聚制备线性低密度聚乙烯(LLDPE)的中试技术”,2002.9-2005.8

    11. 国家重点基础研究发展规划专项基金(参加,G1999064800),“等规可控的聚丙烯新型催化剂”,1999.9-2004.8

    12. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(参加,20334030),“配位聚合反应新方法―烯烃的共聚合和功能化”,2004.1-2007.12 

    13. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(参加,50103012),“用化学反应法制备蒙脱土/聚乙烯复合材料研究”,2002.1-2004.12 

    14. 国际合作项目(参加),“Polyolefin Nanocomposites Contract Research Agreement”,2001.3-2004.2

    15. 中国石油天然气股份有限公司科学研究与技术开发项目(参加,0604A07-03-02),“原位共聚支化聚乙烯工业化前期研究”,2006.1-2007.12 

    16. 中国石油天然气股份有限公司科学研究与技术开发项目(参加,050407-06),“国家863配套项目LLDPE气相法聚合研究”,2006.1-2007.12 

    17. 中国石油天然气股份有限公司独山子石化分公司技术开发项目(参加),“利用Ziegler-Natta催化剂制备高附加值反应性聚丙烯”,2006.1-2006.12

    18. 中国石油天然气股份有限公司科学研究与技术开发项目(参加,040402-19-00),“共聚合方法合成具有长链支化结构的高熔体强度聚丙烯”,2004.1-2005.12 

    19. 中国石油天然气股份有限公司科学研究与技术开发项目(参加,040402-16-00),“聚丙烯合金化工艺研究”,2004.1-2005.12  

    20. 中国石油天然气集团公司石油科技中青年创新基金项目(参加,05E7012),“用于烯烃与极性单体共聚的新型后过渡金属催化剂的研究”,2005.7-2007.6 

    21. 山西省自然科学基金项目(参加,981518)“乳化结晶法精制粗蒽”,1998.1-1999.12


    1.un-Yue Guo, Nickel complexes-catalyzed synthesis of polyethylene elastomers and ethylene polymerization in the confinement of mesoporous molecular sieves, 2017 2nd International Symposium on Materials Science and Engineering (MSCIENG2017), Xi¢an, China, May 25-26/2017

    2.Cun-Yue Guo, High-performance polyethylene via ethylene polymerization catalyzed with metal complexes and the introduction of mesoporous molecular sieves, 2016 International Conference on Advanced Materials and Process Engineering (ICAMPE2016), Jinan, China, October 23-24/2016

    3.Xinxin Wang, Linlin Fan, Shizhen Du, Cun-Yue Guo, Wen-Hua Sun, Highly cis-1,4 selective polymerization of isoprene catalyzed by Co(II) complexes bearing α-diimine ligands, The 9th International Symposium on High-Tech Polymer Materials (HTPM-IX), Zhengzhou, China, July 11-14/2016

    4.Lirong Liang, Ni Feng, Caiyan Gao, Guangming Chen, Cun-Yue Guo, Large-area, stretchable, super flexible and mechanically-stable thermoelectric films of polymer/carbon nanotube composites, The 35th International Conference and the 1st Asia Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT/ACT 2016), Wuhan, China, May 29-June 2/2016

    5.Hong Xu, Cun-Yue Guo, Ethylene polymerization in the nano-channels of mesoporous molecular sieves, The 3rd Global Conference on Polymer and Composite (PCM 2016), Hangzhou, China, May 20-23/2016

    6.Linlin Fan, Shizhen Du, Xinxin Wang, Erlin Yue, Cun-Yue Guo, Wen-Hua Sun, Elaborate tuning of nickel complex pre-catalysts for ethylene polymerization, EMNMeeting on Polymer, Hong Kong, China, January 12-15/2016

    7.Linlin Fan, Shizhen Du, Cun-Yue Guo, Wen-Hua Sun, Nickel complex precatalysts toward ethylene polymerization for high branched polyethylenes, Asian Polyolefin Workshop 2015 (APO 2015), Tokyo, Japan, November 23-27/2015

    8.Cun-Yue Guo, Linlin Fan, Wen-Hua Sun, α-Diimino nickel complexes-catalyzed ethylene polymerization to linear low density polyethylene, The 6th Annual Global Congress of Catalysis-2015 (GCC-2015), Xi’an, China, September 24-26/2015

    9.Linlin Fan, Shizhen Du, Cun-Yue Guo, Wen-Hua Sun, Further modification of α-diiminonickel complexes in controlling properties of obtained polyethylenes, International Workshop on Catalytic Olefin Polymerization and High Performance Polyolefins (IWCOP 2014), Shanghai, China, October 22-25/2014

    10.inlin Fan, Wenhong Yang, Cun-Yue Guo, Nickel complexes catalyzed ethylene polymerization to high performance polyethylenes, The 8th International Symposium on High-Tech Polymer Materials (HTPM-VIII) Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, Beijing, China, July 1-5/2014

    11.Shaoliang Kong, Wenhong Yang, Cun-Yue Guo, Nickel complexes catalyzed ethylene polymerization to high performance branched polyethylenes, Asian Polyolefin Workshop 2013 (APO 2013), Beijing, China, October 15-19/2013

    12.Cun-Yue Guo, Jiangang Yu, Tianpengfei Xiao, Wen-Hua Sun, Nickel complexes as procatalysts in olefin polymerization, PACIFICHEM 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 15-20/2010

    13.Hao Xu, Xinwei Wang, Cunyue Guo, Qingshan Li, Preparation and characterization of anion-releasing polyethylene composite with opal-immobilized Cp2ZrCl2, International Symposium on Polymer Chemistry (PC 2006), Dalian, China, June 7-11/2006

    14.张明革, 郭存悦, 胡友良, 原位聚合制备线性低密度聚乙烯,中国石油天然气股份有限公司2006年化工三剂技术交流研讨会, 中国, 宁波, 2006, 12, 11-15

    15.黄英娟, 郭存悦, 董金勇, 原位聚合制备结构稳定的聚乙烯/蒙脱土纳米复合材料,2005年全国高分子学术论文报告会, 中国, 北京, 2005, 10, 9-13

    16.Demin Xu, Cunyue Guo, Yucai Ke, Youliang Hu, Preparation and characterization of sPS/iPP blends, International Symposium on Engineering Plastics (EP’-18/2001

    17.Demin Xu, Cunyue Guo, Mingge Zhang, Yucai Ke, Youliang Hu, Isotactic propylene prepared using MgCl2 supported Ziegler-Natta catalysts containing novel diether donors, International Symposium on Engineering Plastics (EP’-18/2001

    18.Zhongyang Liu, Cunyue Guo, Zhi Ma, Jun Wang, Demin Xu, Dawei He, Youliang Hu, Preparation of long-branched polyethylene by in situ polymerization using late transition metal and metallocene catalysts, International Symposium on Engineering Plastics (EP’-18/2001

    19.张文娟, 杨文泓, 郭存悦, 曹小平, 孙文华, 位阻受限金属配合物设计合成与乙烯聚合性能研究, 第十八届全国金属有机化学学术讨论会, 中国, 兰州, 2014, 8, 19-22

    20.柳忠阳, 张书清, 郭存悦, 张明革,贺大为, 胡友良, 茂金属在双功能催化体系制备LLDPE中的应用, 中国化学会第七届络合催化学术研讨会, 中国, 兰州, 2001, 8, 14-19

    21.Zhi Ma, Wenhua Sun, Hang Wang, Cunyue Guo, Demin Xu, Mingge Zhang, Youliang Hu, The behavior of ethylene polymerization with a silica supported late transition metal catalyst, International Symposium on Engineering Plastics (EP’-18/2001

    22.Xia Mi, Demin Xu, Weidong Yan, Cunyue Guo, Yucai Ke, Youliang Hu, Preparation of polynorbornene with beta-diketonate titanium/MAO, International Symposium on Engineering Plastics (EP’-18/2001

    23.张明革, 马志, 张书清, 郭存悦, 柯毓才, 李林青, 胡友良, 一种铁系后过渡金属催化剂的负载化及其催化乙烯聚合研究, 第十一届全国催化学术会议, 编号97, 中国, 杭州, 2002, 10, 13-18


    1.Research Fellowship Award(德国学术交流中心--王宽诚教育基金会, 2007年)





    International Journal of Polymer Science专辑客座主编 

    International Scholarly Research Notices编委  Soft Nanoscience Letters编委 







    下列SCI期刊审稿人:Macromolecules, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, Composites Science and Technology, Polymer, Journal of Hazardous Materials, ChemCatChem, Catalysis Communications, Polymer International, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Polymer Engineering and Science, Polymer Bulletin, Polyhedron, Journal of Materials Research, Science Bulletin, Science China Technological Sciences, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, Bulletin of Materials Science, Central European Journal of Chemistry, Iranian Polymer Journal等37种。


    1.Xinxin Wang, Linlin Fan, Yanping Ma, Cun-Yue Guo, Gregory A. Solan, Yang Sun, Wen-Hua Sun, Elastomeric polyethylenes accessible via ethylene homo-polymerization using an unsymmetrical α-diimino-nickel catalyst,Polym. Chem. 2017, 8(18), 2785-2795.

    2.oufu Zhang, Chuanbing Huang, Xinxin Wang, Qaiser Mahmood, Xiang Hao, Xinquan Hu, Cun-Yue Guo, Gregory A. Solan, Wen-Hua Sun, Highly branched unsaturated polyethylenes achievable using strained imino-cyclopenta[b]pyridyl-nickel precatalysts, Polym. Chem. 2017, 8(6), 995-1005. (Back Cover)

    3.Lirong Liang, Guangming Chen, Cun-Yue Guo, Polypyrrole nanostructures and their thermoelectric performance, Mater. Chem. Front. 2017, 1(2), 380-386.

    4.Jing Peng, Hai-Jian Yang, Yongchao Geng, Zidong Wei, Lihua Wang, Cun-Yue Guo, Novel, recyclable supramolecular metal complexes for the synthesis of cyclic carbonates from epoxides and CO2 under solvent-free conditions, J. CO2 Util. 2017, 17, 243-255.

    5.jing Peng, Yongchao Geng, Hai-Jian Yang, Wei He, Zidong Wei, Jing-Kui Yang, Cun-Yue Guo, Efficient solvent-free fixation of CO2 into cyclic carbonates catalyzed by Bi(III) porphyrin/TBAI at atmospheric pressure,Mol. Catal. 2017, 432, 37-46. (Editor¢s Choice Paper)

    6.Wajid Rehman, Sirajul Haq, Fazal Rahim, Salimullah Khan, Muhammad Waseem, Mohsan Nawaz, Obaid-Ur-Rahman Abid, Muhammad Tauseef Qursehi, Cun-Yue Guo, Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial screening of diorganotin(IV) complexes derived from 2-[(4-dimethylamino-benzylidene)amino]-phenol, Pharm. Chem. J.2017, 51(2), 115-118.

    7.张华珍, 张志国, 郭存悦, 秸秆制备再生木质纤维素多孔球:原料溶液浓度的影响, 中国科学院大学学报 2017, 接受.

    8.郭存悦, 张明革, 义建军, 介孔分子筛孔道内乙烯、丙烯聚合反应研究进展, 石油化工 2017, 46(6), 778-783.

    9.Xinxin Wang, Linlin Fan, Yichun Yuan, Shizhen Du, Yang Sun, Gregory A. Solan, Cun-Yue Guo, Wen-Hua Sun, Raising the N-aryl fluoride content in unsymmetrical diaryliminoacenaphthylenes as a route to highly active nickel(II) catalysts in ethylene polymerization, Dalton Trans. 2016, 45(45), 18313-18323. (Hot Article)

    10.Yan Gu, Fengwen Yan, Cun-Yue Guo, Guoqing Yuan, Facile fabrication of hierarchical ZnO nanowire aggregates using rose-like peroxide precursor as the inorganic template, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. A 2016, 90(8), 1614-1620.

    11.Lirong Liang, Guangming Chen, Cun-Yue Guo, Enhanced thermoelectric performance by self-assembled layered morphology of polypyrrole nanowire/single-walled carbon nanotube composites, Compos. Sci. Technol.2016, 129, 130-136.

    12.梁丽荣, 陈光明, 郭存悦, 聚吡咯及其复合热电材料研究进展, 高分子通报 2016, (9), 63-70.

    13.Lirong Liang, Caiyan Gao, Guangming Chen, Cun-Yue Guo, Large-area, stretchable, super flexible and mechanically-stable thermoelectric films of polymer/carbon nanotube composites, J. Mater. Chem. C 2016, 4(3), 526-532. (Web of Science Highly Cited Paper)

    14.Wajid Rehman, Rehana Yasmeen, Fazal Rahim, Muhammad Waseem, Cun-Yue Guo, Zonera Hassan, Umer Rashid, Synthesis biological screening and molecular docking studies of some tin (IV) Schiff base adducts, J. Photoch. Photobio. B 2016, 164, 65-72.

    15.Xin Li, Lirong Liang, Mingze Yang, Guangming Chen, Cun-Yue Guo, Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/graphene/carbon nanotube ternary composites with improved thermoelectric performance, Org. Electron. 2016, 38, 200-204.

    16.Xinxin Wang, Linlin Fan, Chuanbing Huang, Tongling Liang, Cun-Yue Guo, Wen-Hua Sun, Highly cis-1,4 selective polymerization of isoprene promoted by α-diiminylcobalt chlorides, J. Polym. Sci. Pol. Chem. 2016,54(22), 3609-3615.

    17.Guochang Chen, Hongbin Qiao, Jikang Cao, Zhicai Wang, Mingfu Ye, Cun-Yue Guo, Piaofei Ding, Xiaoming Wen, Well-dispersed sulfated mesoporous WO3/SiO2 hybrid colloidal spheres: High-efficiency catalysts for the synthesis of fatty acid alkyl esters, Fuel 2016, 163, 41-47.

    18.Hong Xu, Cun-Yue Guo, Polymerization in the confinement of molecular sieves: Facile preparation of high performance polyethylene, Eur. Polym. J. 2015, 65, 15-32. (Feature Article)

    19.Linlin Fan, Shizhen Du, Cun-Yue Guo, Xiang Hao, Wen-Hua Sun, 1-(2,6-Dibenzhydryl-4-fluorophenylimino)-2-aryliminoacenaphthylylnickel halides highly polymerizing ethylene for the polyethylenes with high branches and molecular weights, J. Polym. Sci. Pol. Chem. 2015, 53(11), 1369-1378.

    20.Linlin Fan, Erlin Yue, Shizhen Du, Cun-Yue Guo, Xiang Hao, Wen-Hua Sun, Enhancing thermo-stability to ethylene polymerization: Synthesis, characterization and the catalytic behavior of 1-(2,4-dibenzhydryl-6-chlorophenylimino)-2-aryliminoacenaphthylnickel halides, RSC Adv. 2015, 5(113), 93274-93282.

    21.Jing Peng, Hai-Jian Yang, Zidong Wei, Cun-Yue Guo, Metal complexes bearing 2-(imidazol-2-yl)phenol ligands: Synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance in the fixation of carbon dioxide with epoxides, RSC Adv. 2015, 5(65), 53063-53072.

    22.Guo-Chang Chen, Feng-Bo Li, Zhi-Jun Huang, Cun-Yue Guo, Xiao-Ning Qiu, Hong-Bin Qiao, Zhi-Cai Wang, Shi-Biao Ren, Wei-Feng Jiang, Guo-Qing Yuan, Efficient synthesis of biodiesel over well-dispersed sulfated mesoporous SiO2 colloidal spheres, Fuel Process. Technol. 2015, 134, 11-17.

    23.Jing Peng, Hai-Jian Yang, Niannian Song, Cun-Yue Guo, An effective Ni/Zn catalyst system for the chemical fixation of carbon dioxide with epoxides, J. CO2 Util. 2015, 9, 16-22.

    24.Guochang Chen, Fengbo Li, Zhijun Huang, Cun-Yue Guo, Hongbin Qiao, Xiaoning Qiu, Zhicai Wang, Weifeng Jiang, Guoqing Yuan, Facile synthesis of Ag/AgBr/RGO nanocomposite as a highly efficient sunlight plasmonic photocatalyst, Catal. Commun. 2015, 59, 140-144.

    25.Shizhen Du, Shaoliang Kong, Qisong Shi, Jing Mao, Cun-Yue Guo, Jianjun Yi, Tongling Liang, Wen-Hua Sun, Enhancing the activity and thermal-stability of nickel complex pre-catalysts using 1-[2,6-bis(bis(4-fluorophenyl)methyl)-4-methyl phenylimino]-2-aryliminoacenaphthylene derivatives, Organometallics 2015, 34(3), 582-590.

    26.Tianchi Cao, Feng Yang, Guangming Chen, Cun-Yue Guo, Effect of photofunctional organo anion-intercalated layered double hydroxide on poly(ethylene terephthalate) nonisothermal crystallization kinetics,React. Funct. Polym. 2014, 83, 1-6.

    27.Wenjuan Zhang, Shaoli Wang, Shizhen Du, Cun-Yue Guo, Xiang Hao, Wen-Hua Sun, 2-(1-(2,4-Bis((bis(4-fluorophenyl)methyl)-6-methylphenylimino)ethyl)-6-(1-(arylimino)ethyl)pyridylmetal (iron or cobalt) complexes: Synthesis, characterization and ethylene polymerization behavior, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2014, 215(18), 1797-1809.

    28.Shaoliang Kong, Cun-Yue Guo, Wenhong Yang, Lin Wang, Wen-Hua Sun, Rainer Glaser, 2,6-Dibenzhydryl-N-(2-phenyliminoacenaphthylenylidene)-4-chloro-aniline nickel dihalides: Synthesis, characterization and ethylene polymerization for polyethylenes with high molecular weights, J. Organomet. Chem. 2013, 725, 37-45.

    29.Guochang Chen, Cun-Yue Guo, Hongbin Qiao, Mingfu Ye, Xiaoning Qiu, Caibo Yue, Well-dispersed sulfated zirconia nanoparticles as high-efficiency catalysts for the synthesis of bis(indolyl)methanes and biodiesel, Catal. Commun. 2013, 41, 70-74.

    30.曹天池, 陈光明, 郭存悦, 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯/层状双氢氧化物纳米复合材料, 高等学校化学学报 2013, 34(10), 2239-2246.

    31.Shaoliang Kong, Kuifeng Song, Tongling Liang, Cun-Yue Guo, Wen-Hua Sun, Carl Redshaw, Methylene-bridged bimetallic α-diimino nickel (II) complexes: Synthesis and high efficiency in ethylene polymerization, Dalton Trans. 2013, 42(25), 9176-9187.

    32.Tianchi Cao, Kongli Xu, Guangming Chen, Cun-Yue Guo, Poly(ethylene terephthalate) nanocomposites with strong UV-shielding function using UV-absorber intercalated layered double hydroxides, RSC Adv. 2013, 3(18), 6282-6285.

    33.Feng-Wen Yan, Cun-Yue Guo, Xiao-Hui Zhang, Guo-Qing Yuan, Hydrogen peroxide as a crystal growth modifier of CaCO3, CrystEngComm 2012, 14(6), 2046-2052.

    34.Feng-Wen Yan, Cun-Yue Guo, Xiao-Hui Zhang, Guo-Qing Yuan, Synthesis and characterization of spherical porous calcium carbonate with ordered secondary structures in the presence of polymer with double hydrophilic ionic moieties, CrystEngComm 2012, 14(5), 1554-1560.

    35.Xiao-Hui Zhang, Feng-Wen Yan, Cun-Yue Guo, Feng-Bo Li, Zhi-Jun Huang, Guo-Qing Yuan, Hydrogen peroxide triggered morphological evolution of barium sulfate crystals under basic conditions, CrystEngComm2012, 14(16), 5267-5273.

    36.Xiaohui Zhang, Fengwen Yan, Cun-Yue Guo, Guoqing Yuan, Preparation of barium sulfate polycrystal from barium peroxide matrix, Mater. Lett. 2012, 80, 117-120.

    37.Xiao-Hui Zhang, Feng-Wen Yan, Cun-Yue Guo, Guo-Qing Yuan, Steam reforming of glycerol over Pt–MCM-41 synthesized in a one-step process, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 86(13), 1957-1961.

    38.Wen-Hua Sun, Shaoliang Kong, Wenbin Chai, Takeshi Shiono, Carl Redshaw, Xinquan Hu, Cun-Yue Guo, Xiang Hao, 2-(1-Arylimino)ethyl)-8-arylimino-5,6,7-trihydroquinolylcobalt dichloride: Synthesis and polyethylene wax formation, Appl. Catal. Gen-A 2012, 447-448, 67-73.

    39.Qingli Qian, Shouyan Shao, Fang Yan, Chen Ling, Fengwen Yan, Hongbing Cao, Cun-Yue Guo, Guoqing Yuan, Supported Ag nanoparticles as trace iodide adsorbent from acetic acid, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 86(9), 1453-1457.

    40.Guochang Chen, Cun-Yue Guo, Xiaohui Zhang, Zhijun Huang, Guoqing Yuan, Direct conversion of syngas to ethanol over Rh/Mn-supported on modified SBA-15 molecular sieves: Effect of supports, Fuel Process. Technol.2011, 92(3), 456-461.

    41.Guochang Chen, Cun-Yue Guo, Zhijun Huang, Guoqing Yuan, Synthesis of ethanol from syngas over iron-promoted Rh immobilized on modified SBA-15 molecular sieve: Effect of iron loading, Chem. Eng. Res. Des. 2011, 89(3), 249-253.

    42.Xiaohui Zhang, Feng-Wen Yan, Cun-Yue Guo, Fengbo Li, Guoqing Yuan, Structural evolution of barite particles using polymer with double hydrophilic ionic moieties as additive, Cryst. Res. Technol. 2011, 46(11), 1155-1160.

    43.Xiaohui Zhang, Fengwen Yan, Cun-Yue Guo, Fengbo Li, Guochang Chen, Zhijun Huang, Guoqing Yuan, Preparation and structure of calcium peroxide-templated porous calcium carbonate crystals, Cryst. Res. Technol.2011, 46(7), 664-668.

    44.Zhen Yang, Hai-Jian Yang, Jia Tian, Cun-Yue Guo, Hakwon Kim, High solubility and partial molar volume of 2,2'-oxybis(N,N-bis(2-methoxyethyl)acetamide) in supercritical carbon dioxide, J. Chem. Eng. Data 2011, 56(4), 1191-1196.

    45.un-Yue Guo, Normen Peulecke, Kaleswara R. Basvani, Markus K. Kindermann, Joachim Heinicke, 2-Phosphinophenolate nickel catalysts: Formation of ethylene copolymers with isolated sec-alkyl, aryl and functionally substituted alkyl groups, Macromolecules 2010, 43(3), 1416-1424.

    46.Cun-Yue Guo, Hao Xu, Mingge Zhang, Hai-Jian Yang, Fengwen Yan, Guoqing Yuan, Copolymerization of ethylene and in situ generated α-olefins to high performance LLDPE with a two-catalyst system supported on mesoporous molecular sieves, Polym. Int. 2010, 59(6), 725-732.

    47.Feng-Wen Yan, Cun-Yue Guo, Fang Yan, Feng-Bo Li, Qing-Li Qian, Guo-Qing Yuan, Vinyl acetate formation by the reaction of acetylene with acetic acid catalyzed by zinc acetate supported on porous carbon spheres, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. A 2010, 84(5), 796-801.

    48.Jinhua Qian, Cun-Yue Guo, Polyolefin-clay nanocomposites from olefin polymerization between clay layers,Open Macromol. J. 2010, 4, 1-14.

    49.Joanna Lach, Cun-Yue Guo, Markus K. Kindermann, Peter G. Jones, Joachim Heinicke, α-Phosphanyl amino acids: synthesis, structure, and reactivity of N-Aryl-phosphanylglycines, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2010, 2010(6), 1176-1186.

    50.Hai-Jian Yang, Hakwon Kim, Cun-Yue Guo, Metal ion extraction with bipyridine derivates as chelating ligands in supercritical carbon dioxide, CLEAN-Soil Air Water 2010, 38(2), 159-166.

    51.Guochang Chen, Xiaohui Zhang, Cun-Yue Guo, Guoqing Yuan, Manganese-promoted Rh supported on modified SBA-15 molecular sieve for ethanol synthesis from syngas. Effect of manganese loading, C.R. Chim. 2010,13(11), 1384-1390.

    52.Guochang Chen, Xiaohui Zhang, Cun-Yue Guo, Guoqing Yuan, Application of pore size tunable SBA-15 molecular sieves in direct conversion of syngas to ethanol catalyzed by RhCl3 and Fe(NO3)3, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. A2010, 84(13), 2247-2253.

    53.Wei Wang, Hai-Jian Yang, Juncheng Hu, Cun-Yue Guo, Solubilities of diglycolic acid esters at temperatures ranging from (343 to 363) K in supercritical carbon dioxide, J. Chem. Eng. Data 2010, 55(2), 694-697.

    54.Cun-Yue Guo, Normen Peulecke, Markus K. Kindermann, Joachim Heinicke, Copolymerization of ethylene with linear α-olefins by 2-phosphinophenolate nickel catalysts, J. Polym. Sci. Pol. Chem. 2009, 47(1), 258-266.

    55.Cun-Yue Guo, Hao Xu, Mingge Zhang, Xiaohui Zhang, Fengwen Yan, Guoqing Yuan, Immobilization of bis(imino)pyridine iron complexes onto mesoporous molecular sieves and their catalytic performance in ethylene oligomerization, Catal. Commun. 2009, 10(10), 1467-1471.

    56.Cun-Yue Guo, Yucai Ke, Yuanxia Liu, Xia Mi, Mingge Zhang, Youliang Hu, Preparation and properties of PE/MMT nanocomposites formed via ethylene copolymerization, Polym. Int. 2009, 58(11), 1319-1325.

    57.Baoping Shi, Cun-Yue Guo, Yucai Ke, Mingge Zhang, Youliang Hu, Nonisothermal crystallization behavior of in-situ formed polyethylene/montmorillonite (PE/MMT) nanocomposites through ethylene copolymerization,Open Macromol. J. 2009, 3, 6-11.

    58.Feng-Wen Yan, Shu-Feng Zhang, Cun-Yue Guo, Feng-Bo Li, Fang Yan, Guo-Qing Yuan, Total oxidation of toluene over Pt-MCM-41 synthesized in a one-step process, Catal. Commun. 2009, 10(13), 1689-1692.

    59.Feng-Wen Yan, Hao Xu, Cun-Yue Guo, Ming-Ge Zhang, Xiao-Hui Zhang, Hai-Jian Yang, Guo-Qing Yuan, Catalysis of ethylene to linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) with iron-based diimine complex immobilized on calcosilicate (CAS-1) and silica-supported rac-Et(Ind)2ZrCl2, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2009, 112(4), 2298-2304.

    60.Feng-Wen Yan, Shu-Feng Zhang, Cun-Yue Guo, Xiao-Hui Zhang, Guo-Chang Chen, Fang Yan, Guo-Qing Yuan, Influence of stirring speed on the crystallization of calcium carbonate, Cryst. Res. Technol. 2009, 44(7), 725-728.

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    62.Wei Wang, Hai-Jian Yang, Juncheng Hu, Cun-Yue Guo, Extraction of metal ions with non-fluorous bipyridine derivatives as chelating ligands in supercritical carbon dioxide, J. Supercrit. Fluid. 2009, 51(2), 181-187.

    63.Wajid Rehman, Saqibah Rehman, Bakhtiar Muhammad, Syed Tawab Shah, Isfahan Tauseef, Cun-Yue Guo, Synthesis, characterization and anti-inflammatory activity of some organotin(IV) complexes, Pol. J. Chem. 2009,83(12), 2043-2049.

    64.王红英, 郑刚, 郭存悦, PP接枝聚合物对PP/PS共混物相形态的影响, 合成树脂及塑料 2009, 26(3), 5-7,16.

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    67.Hao Xu, Xinwei Wang, Cun-Yue Guo, Qingshan Li, Functional polyethylene composites prepared viapolymerization of ethylene with opal-immobilized zirconocene complex, Polym. Compos. 2008, 29(4), 380-384.

    68.Hong Xu, Cun-Yue Guo, Mingge Zhang, Haijian Yang, Jinxiang Dong, Guoqing Yuan, In situ copolymerization of ethylene to linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) with novel calcosilicate (CAS-1) supported dual-functional catalytic system, Catal. Commun. 2007, 8(12), 2143-2149.

    69.Jinhua Qian, Cun-Yue Guo, Hang Wang, Youliang Hu, Fabrication and characterization of PE/MMT nanocomposites via copolymerization of ethylene and in situ formed α-olefins, J. Mater. Sci. 2007, 42(12), 4350-4355.

    70.Yu Bai, Hai-Jian Yang, Can Quan, Cun-Yue Guo,Solubilities of 2,2¢-bipyridine and 4,4¢-dimethyl-2,2¢-bipyridine in supercritical carbon dioxide, J. Chem. Eng. Data 2007, 52(5), 2074-2076.

    71.杨科芳, 徐浩, 郭存悦, 董金勇, 分子筛负载催化剂的烯烃聚合反应研究, 高分子通报 2007, (2), 28-40.

    72.Hong Xu, Cun-Yue Guo, Chunfeng Xue, Zhi Ma, Mingge Zhang, Jinxiang Dong, Jianguo Wang, Youliang Hu, Novel layered calcosilicate-immobilized iron-based diimine catalyst for ethylene polymerization, Eur. Polym. J.2006, 42(1), 203-208.

    73.Yunsheng Ding, Cun-Yue Guo, Jin-Yong Dong, Novel organic modification of montmorillonite in hydrocarbon solvent using ionic liquid-type surfactant for the preparation of polyolefin-clay nanocomposites, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2006, 102(4), 4314-4320.

    74.Liao-Yun Zhang, Guo-Qiang Fan, Cun-Yue Guo, Jin-Yong Dong, You-Liang Hu, Ming-Bao Huang, Synthesis of polypropylene block copolymers from brominated styrene-terminated isotactic polypropylene, Eur. Polym. J. 2006,42(5), 1043-1050.

    75.Liaoyun Zhang, Guoqiang Fan, Cun-Yue Guo, Jin-Yong Dong, Youliang Hu, Mingbao Huang, T. C. Chung,Synthesis of polypropylene graft copolymers from a hydroxyl groups-containing polypropylene precursor via atom transfer radical polymerization, Polym. Int. 2006, 55(6), 675-680.

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    1. 郭存悦, 张明革, 徐浩, 王红秋, 胡友良, 祖凤华, 袁国卿。“一种分子筛负载乙烯齐聚催化剂及其制备和应用” 中国发明专利 ZL 20071012770.X, 授权公告日2010.09.29

    2. 郭存悦, 徐浩, 张明革, 祖凤华, 袁国卿, 白跃华, 胡友良。“高抗冲线性低密度聚乙烯/分子筛复合材料及其制备方法” 中国发明专利 ZL 200710120771.4, 授权公告日2011.12.07 

    3. 董金勇, 郭存悦。“聚烯烃/蒙脱土纳米复合材料的制备方法” 中国发明专利 ZL 200510009537.5, 授权公告日2008.08.13 

    4. 柳忠阳, 郭存悦, 张书清, 贺大为, 胡友良。“一种乙烯齐聚催化剂体系及其制备方法和用途” 中国发明专利 ZL 01 1 10082.1, 授权公告日2004.08.05 

    5. 胡友良, 郭存悦, 张明革, 马志。“一种载体化烯烃聚合催化剂及其制备方法” 中国发明专利 ZL 02149853.9, 授权公告日2006.06.14 

    6. 胡友良, 郭存悦, 柯毓才, 吕英莹, 陆宏兰, 柳忠阳, 陈志坚。“一种聚乙烯/蒙脱土纳米复合材料及其制备方法” 中国发明专利 ZL 200410088606.1, 授权公告日2008.08.13 

    7. 董金勇,黄英娟,郭存悦。“一种功能化聚烯烃/蒙脱土纳米复合材料及其制备方法” 中国发明专利 ZL 200510009508.9, 授权公告日2009.04.15 

    8. 胡友良, 张志成, 郭存悦, 陈商涛, 李化毅。“一种蒙脱土载体化双功能催化体系及其制备方法和应用” 中国发明专利 ZL 03110318.9, 授权公告日2003.0408 

    9. 胡友良, 张志成, 郭存悦, 王如义。“一种载体化双功能催化体系及制备方法和应用” 中国发明专利 ZL 03158194.3, 授权公告日2006.08.23 

    10. 董金勇, 张辽云, 郭存悦, 胡友良, 黄明宝。“一种具有共混相容性的聚丙烯接枝共聚物及其制备方法” 中国发明专利 ZL 200510064470.5, 授权公告日2009.08.26 

    11. 董金勇, 王姝, 郭存悦。“一种支化聚丙烯及其制备方法” 中国发明专利 ZL 200510117710.3, 授权公告日2010.05.05 

    12. 张明革, 胡友良, 马志, 郭存悦。“一种制备线性低密度聚乙烯的载体化双功能催化剂体系” 中国发明专利 ZL 02147097.9, 授权公告日2002 .10.29 

    13. 胡友良, 吕英莹, 柯毓才, 郭存悦, 李化毅, 陆宏兰, 柳忠阳, 陈志坚。“聚烯烃/蒙脱土纳米复合材料及其制备方法” 中国发明专利 ZL 200410088607.6, 授权公告日2008.04.09 

    14. 董金勇, 张辽云, 范国强, 郭存悦, 胡友良, 黄明宝。“一种聚丙烯嵌段共聚物及其制备方法与应用” 中国发明专利 ZL 200510063210.6, 授权公告日2009.08.26 

    15. 闫丰文, 袁国卿, 张抒峰, 张晓慧, 郭存悦。“具有纳米锥体微结构的多孔碳酸钙晶体颗粒的制备方法” 中国发明专利 ZL 201110360147.8, 授权公告日2014.04.23 

    16. 胡友良, 宓霞, 阎卫东, 马志, 郭存悦, 柯毓才, 周鼐。“用β-二酮钛非茂催化剂制备聚降冰片烯的工艺方法” 中国发明专利 ZL 02120381.4, 授权公告日2004.11.03 

    17. 董金勇, 刘彬彬, 王红英, 徐文清, 曹晨刚, 谭振明, 郭存悦, 周豪, 李敏。“一种高熔体强度聚丙烯及其制备方法” 中国发明专利 ZL 200510114388.9, 授权公告日2010.05.05 

    18. 朱博超, 董金勇, 贾军纪, 王红英, 韦少义, 姚培洪, 郭存悦, 张长军, 冀 棉, 赵晓东, 张明革, 朱雅杰, 牛 慧, 陈雪蓉, 黄安平, 郝 萍。“一种长链支化聚丙烯及其制备方法” 中国发明专利 ZL 200610080838.1, 授权公告日2011.06.22 

    19. Honglan Lu, Zhongyang Liu, Chih-Jian Chen, Youliang Hu, Yingying Lu, Yucai Ke, Cunyue Guo, “Process for making exfoliated polyolefin/clay nanocomposites”, WO 2007/117283 A3, Date of Patent: Oct. 18, 2007; US 7432319B2, Date of Patent: Oct. 7, 2008 

    20. 董金勇, 刘彬彬, 王红英, 徐文清, 曹晨刚, 谭振明, 郭存悦, 李敏。“一种高熔体强度聚丙烯的制备方法” 中国发明专利 ZL 200710179266.7, 授权公告日2010.12.15 

    21. 宋勤华, 袁国卿, 邵守言, 闫芳, 凌晨, 钱庆利, 曹宏兵, 郭存悦, 闫丰文。“甲醇羰基化反应制醋酸的共聚物铱催化剂” 中国发明专利 ZL 200910184272.0, 授权公告日2011.09.07 

    22. 宋勤华, 袁国卿, 邵守言, 闫芳, 凌晨, 钱庆利, 曹宏兵, 郭存悦, 闫丰文。“甲醇羰基合成醋酸的均相铱配合物催化剂及其制备方法和应用” 中国发明专利 ZL 200910238525.8, 授权公告日2013.07.10




