
  • 日期:2023-10-12
  • 22285


    张竹青,女, 中国科学院大学生命科学学院副教授、硕导,九三学社社员。




    2000.09--2005.06 中国科学院化学所 博士 

    1995.09--2000.07 北京化工大学 学士 


    2005-2007 北京大学化学与分子工程学院,理论生物中心,博士后 

    2008-2011 加拿大多伦多大学医学院生物化学系,博士后 

    2011.6-现在 中国科学院研究生院生命科学学院 副教授


    1. Zhuqing Zhang, and Hue Sun Chan. "Transition paths, diffusive processes, and preequilibria of protein folding".  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012: 109: 20919-20924

    2. Zarrine-Afsar* A., Zhang* Z., Schweiker KL., Makhatadze GI., Davidson AR. and Chan HS. “Kinetic Consequences of Native State Optimization of Surface-Exposed Electrostatic Interactions in the Fyn SH3 Domain”. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics (2012) 80: 858-870 (*equal contribution) 

    3. Hue Sun Chan, Zhuqing Zhang, Stefan Wallin and Zhirong Liu. “Native Topology, Local-Nonlocal Coupling, and Nonnative Interactions: Principles of Protein Folding from Coarse-Grained Models”. Annu Rew Phys Chem. 2011: 62: 301-32 

    4. Zhuqing Zhang, and Hue Sun Chan. “Competition between Native Topology and Nonnative Interactions in Simple and Complex Folding Kinetics of Natural and Designed Proteins”. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010: 107: 2920–2925 

    5. Zhuqing Zhang and Hue Sun Chan. “Native Topology of the Designed Protein Top7 is not Conducive to Cooperative Folding”. Biophys J. 2009: 96: L25-L27 

    6. Zhuqing Zhang, Hao Chen, Luhua Lai. “Identification of amyloid fibril-forming segments based on structure and residue-based statistical potential”. Bioinformatics. 2007: 23: 2218-2225 

    7. Zhuqing Zhang, Hao Chen, Hongjun Bai, Luhua Lai. “Molecular dynamics simulations on the oligomer formation process of the GNNQQNY peptide from yeast prion protein Sup35”. Biophys J. 2007; 93; 1484-1492 


